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Scuba Diving in Muscat


Ok, on the news today I heard about 4 shark attacks in Florida. Thankfully, no one died. Now lets look at this situation. There is a school of sharks swimming around the Gulf Coast like vultures. People have been attacked. GET OUT OF THE WATER!!! If I could figure out how to record sound on my pc, I'd play Tina's scream from Jaws 2 for you. "SHSHSHSSHHHHHH.....SSSSHHHHAAARRRKKKK...SHSHSHS"

I offer this advice...



Still, I do not blame the sharks! After all, these land creatures were in their territory. I'd just like everyone to think before they get in the water. You Are Not Alone!!! You look very tasty in that bikini..."I like people, they taste good."

 Interesting facts: Bees & Wasps kill more people each year than sharks.

You are 30x more likely to be hit by lightening than bit by a shark.

I'd like to let P.O.D. (the Savior) and the Boss to be very careful on their holiday. Also, I've read all about the Great White Sharks in the waters off the Coast of South Africa. Please be very careful! No swimming at feeding time!!!!

Need I say more? (I couldn't find a picture of Tina so Jackie will have to do. Remember she was screaming for some one to help Mike. He got knocked out and was just floating like a marshmallow in milk, waiting to be eaten. (He was saved, naturally.))

Mark's new hobby is scuba diving. He seems to enjoy life under the water.  He. Pass Out Dave and Milk Tray always have a good time. 

I don't mind his new hobby. It gives me plenty of time to watch my soap opera.  I don't know if I'm going to start a life under the water. I've seen Jaws I, II, III & IV. Orca, Tentacles, Barracuda, Piranha (both versions) Shark Attack, Shark Attack II and Deep Blue. I don't know if I can handle "Swimming with the fishes." 

If you like to dive, you have to come to Oman. The water is GREAT! If you need more information on diving, you need to talk to Rob & Brigitte at www.omandiving.com


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Last modified: December 06, 2005